
St. Francis co-ed school is one of the educational institutions owned and managed by the Archdiocese of Bhopal , which is a registered charitable society. It has over 20 educational institutions, which include colleges and schools, in the districts of Bhopal, Harda, hoshangabad and sehore. As a pioneer in the spread of education, both universal and higher, all over the world, education is one of the ministries for the catholic church, for its basic principles is truth, which is attained through true education, makes one free.

Aims And Objectives

The focuses of Academic activities are towards enrichment of the total personality of the learners:-

  • To help them to become mature, spiritually oriented persons of character and thereafter help to build in them integrated national character.
  • To instill in them the spirit of nationalism, patriotism and understanding.
  • To train them to obey their elders, parents, teachers and further to discipline themselves for hard work, creativity co-operation, team-work and leadership
  • To identify their talents, fields of interest and develop them with able guidance.
  • Along with academic excellence, the school strongly up holds moral and spiritual values.

The Motto

“Knowledge illumines”

The motto of the school is “knowledge illumines”. Symbolically knowledge is light and it dispels every form of ignorance. The endeavour of the school is not just to provide knowledge of subjects, but to develop the whole person in his/her spiritual, psychological, and physical dimensions,for, only when the whole person is focused upon, education becomes meaningful, and one becomes “llumined” . This vision is all the more relevant in today’s context where humanity tends to be divided among religion, race nation, caste and class.

School Conduct At A Glance

  • The School Calendar should be brought to school daily without fail.
  • Students should come to school in complete school uniforms only, on all school days (including parents teachers meet ) .
  • Punctuality is a must and late comers will be suitably checked with corrective measures.
  • 90% attendance is a must for every student.
  • A pupil who uses unfair means during examinations will be given zero in the subject and repetition of same shell lead to dismissal.
  • Parents/Guardians can meet the principal in his office from 9:00 to 10:00 a.m on all school working days.
  • It is compulsory for all students to participate in sports, games and other co-curricular activities of the school.
  • In case of accidents- school will provide only first Aid. Other related expenses will be borne by parents/ guardians.

House System

One of the main objectives of the house system is to foster in the students a sense of collective responsibility and solidarity and at the same time enkindle and develop the social qualities latent in every child, students are assigned to four houses in the school.

Leave & Absence

  • In this handbook one from has been provided concerning leave or Absence. Only these ought to be used, not letters, ;’LEAVE RECORD’ is meant to be used by parents/ guardians in case of a leave required for serious reason. The Handbook should be presented in the office that very day, well in time before attendance is taken: or else, the student will be marked ‘ABSENT by the teacher in case the absence fine becomes due.
  • A student who remains absent without getting the leave granted should, upon returning to the school, bring proper entry in the ABSENCE RECORD, without which on one shall be allowed in the class.
  • Longer leave must be applied for, by the parents personally one day in advance.
  • Absence of students from class for merely family/ social functions is entirely discouraged and the school does not hold itself responsible for a student who suffers in his daily progress on account of this.
  • NO leave will be granted on Examination days except for any grave reason, in which case, parents have to come personally and get it sanctioned.
    Half-day leaves are not granted. In case, parents have to come and apply personally and take the ward along.

Rules And Regulations Attendance

  • Every student has to attend the school on the re-opening day after each vacation and 80% of the attendance is compulsory.
  • If absent due to ailment, the principal has to be reported and medical certificate should be submitted at the earliest.
  • If the parents do not attend minimum 2 parent- teachers meeting, the student will be liable for dismissal.
  • Absence on the days of a school function be it on working days or holidays or national holidays will incur serious disciplinary action. Similarly absence from school prior to tests or ecamination will incur disciplinary action.

School Timing

School Timing for Primary

School Timing for Per-Primary

7:40 am To 1:40 pm 8:30AM TO 12:30pm
First Bell  -  7:40 am First Bell  -  8:30 am
Assembly – 7:50 am – 8:10 am Assembly – 8:30 am to 8:50 am
Attendance -  8:10 am  -  8:20 am Attendance -  8:50 am to 8:55 am
1st Period - 8:20 am to 9:00 am 1st Period – 8:55 am to 9:55 am
2nd Period – 9:00 am to 9:40 am 2nd Period – 9:25 am to 9:55 am
3rd Period  - 09:40 am to 10:20 am 3rd Period  - 9:55 am to 10:25 am
4th Period – 10:20 am to 11:00 am Recess –10:25 am to 10:45 am
Recess – 11:00 am to 11:20 am 4th Period – 10:45 am to 11:20  am
5th Period – 11:20 am to 11:55 Noon 5th Period – 11:20 am to 11:50 am
6th Period – 11:55 Noon to 12:30 pm 6th Period – 11:55 pm to 12:30 pm
7th Period – 12:30 pm to 1:05 pm
8th Period – 01:05 to 01:40 pm